what mass of protons would be required to neutralize the charge of 1.0g of electrons

Section Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, y'all will be able to do the following:

  • Describe positive and negative electric charges
  • Employ conservation of charge to calculate quantities of charge transferred between objects
  • Characterize materials as conductors or insulators based on their electrical properties
  • Describe electric polarization and charging by consecration

Teacher Back up

Teacher Support

The learning objectives in this section will help your students master the following standards

  • (5) The student knows the nature of forces in the physical world. The student is expected to:
    • (C) depict and summate how the magnitude of the electrical force betwixt two objects depends on their charges and the distance betwixt them; and
    • (East) narrate materials equally conductors or insulators based on their electric backdrop.

In addition, the Loftier School Physics Laboratory Manual addresses content in this section in the lab titled Electrical Charge equally well every bit the following standards:

  • (5) The student knows the nature of forces in the physical world. The pupil is expected to:
    • (C) describe and calculate how the magnitude of the electrical force between two objects depends on their charges and the distance between them; and
    • (E) characterize materials as conductors or insulators based on their electrical properties.

Section Key Terms

conduction conductor electron induction
insulator law of conservation of charge polarization proton

Electric Charge

You may know someone who has an electrical personality, which usually means that other people are attracted to this person. This saying is based on electric charge, which is a belongings of matter that causes objects to attract or repel each other. Electric charge comes in two varieties, which nosotros phone call positive and negative. Similar charges repel each other, and dissimilar charges attract each other. Thus, two positive charges repel each other, as do two negative charges. A positive charge and a negative charge attract each other.

How practice we know there are 2 types of electrical charge? When various materials are rubbed together in controlled ways, certain combinations of materials always consequence in a internet charge of ane type on i material and a net charge of the opposite blazon on the other material. By convention, we phone call one type of accuse positive and the other type negative. For example, when glass is rubbed with silk, the glass becomes positively charged and the silk negatively charged. Because the glass and silk have reverse charges, they concenter i some other similar apparel that have rubbed together in a dryer. Two drinking glass rods rubbed with silk in this manner will repel i another, because each rod has positive charge on information technology. Similarly, two silk cloths rubbed in this style volition repel each other, considering both cloths have negative charge. Figure 18.2 shows how these unproblematic materials can be used to explore the nature of the strength betwixt charges.

This figure has three parts. Part a: It shows a glass rod suspended from its middle by a string and a nearby silk cloth held from its upper edge by a hand. The glass rod has a series of plus signs, and the silk cloth has many minus signs. There are several faded images of the glass rod and a downward pointing arrow, suggesting the rod's movement toward the cloth. The lower edge of the cloth bends toward the rod. Part b: It shows two glass rods near each other, each with a series of plus signs. One rod is held from one end by a hand, and the other rod is suspended from its middle by a string. There are several faded images of the suspended rod and an upward pointing arrow, suggesting its movement away from the handheld rod. Part c: It shows two silk cloths held by hand near each other, each with a number of minus signs. The lower edges of the cloths curve away from each other.

Figure 18.2 A glass rod becomes positively charged when rubbed with silk, whereas the silk becomes negatively charged. (a) The glass rod is attracted to the silk, considering their charges are opposite. (b) 2 similarly charged glass rods repel. (c) Ii similarly charged silk cloths repel.

Teacher Support

Teacher Support

Teacher Demonstration

Set up a demonstration of static electricity. A simple demonstration may be to charge a glass rod or rummage by rubbing it with wool, silk, or other material and then charge an inflated airship by rubbing it on your shirt or hair. Place the balloon on a nonconducting tabletop, and use the drinking glass rod or comb to repel the balloon and make information technology roll beyond the tabletop. Charm the students by pushing the balloon get-go in one management and then rapidly moving the drinking glass rod or comb to the opposite side of the balloon to make it decelerate and then movement in the opposite direction. Ask which blazon of force is at work betwixt the balloon and the drinking glass rod or comb (a repulsive forcefulness).

It took scientists a long time to notice what lay behind these two types of charges. The word electric itself comes from the Greek word elektron for amber, because the ancient Greeks noticed that bister, when rubbed by fur, attracts dry straw. Almost ii,000 years later, the English language physicist William Gilbert proposed a model that explained the effect of electric charge as being due to a mysterious electrical fluid that would pass from one object to another. This model was debated for several hundred years, but it was finally put to rest in 1897 by the work of the English language physicist J. J. Thomson and French physicist Jean Perrin. Along with many others, Thomson and Perrin were studying the mysterious cathode rays that were known at the fourth dimension to consist of particles smaller than the smallest atom. Perrin showed that cathode rays really carried negative electrical charge. Later, Thomson'southward piece of work led him to declare, "I can run into no escape from the decision that [cathode rays] are charges of negative electricity carried by particles of affair."

It took several years of further experiments to confirm Thomson's interpretation of the experiments, but science had in fact discovered the particle that carries the fundamental unit of negative electrical charge. We now know this particle every bit the electron.

Atoms, withal, were known to be electrically neutral, which ways that they carry the aforementioned corporeality of positive and negative accuse, so their cyberspace accuse is zero. Because electrons are negative, some other role of the cantlet must contain positive charge. Thomson put forth what is called the plum pudding model, in which he described atoms every bit being made of thousands of electrons pond effectually in a nebulous mass of positive charge, as shown past the left-side image of Figure xviii.3. His student, Ernest Rutherford, originally believed that this model was right and used information technology (along with other models) to effort to understand the results of his experiments bombarding gold foils with alpha particles (i.e., helium atoms stripped of their electrons). The results, however, did not ostend Thomson'due south model but rather destroyed it! Rutherford found that most of the space occupied past the gilded atoms was really empty and that nearly all of the matter of each atom was concentrated into a tiny, extremely dense nucleus, as shown by the right-side epitome of Figure 18.three. The diminutive nucleus was later found to contain particles called protons, each of which carries a unit of positive electric accuse.1

This figure has two drawings, side by side. The drawing on the left shows a large blue sphere, one-eighth of which has been cut out. A number of small red spheres are on the surface of the blue sphere and within the cut-away part of the blue sphere. Also, a number of faded red spheres lie within the blue sphere. The drawing on the right shows four ellipses evenly spaced around a common center, with a small blue sphere in each ellipse. Near the top is the word

Figure 18.three The left drawing shows Thompson's plum-pudding model, in which the electrons swim around in a nebulous mass of positive charge. The right drawing shows Rutherford's model, in which the electrons orbit effectually a tiny, massive nucleus. Note that the size of the nucleus is vastly exaggerated in this drawing. Were it fatigued to scale with respect to the size of the electron orbits, the nucleus would not exist visible to the naked eye in this drawing. Too, every bit far as science can currently detect, electrons are signal particles, which ways that they have no size at all!

Protons and electrons are thus the fundamental particles that acquit electric charge. Each proton carries one unit of positive charge, and each electron carries 1 unit of measurement of negative charge. To the best precision that modern technology can provide, the charge carried by a proton is exactly the opposite of that carried by an electron. The SI unit for electrical charge is the coulomb (abbreviated as "C"), which is named after the French physicist Charles Augustin de Coulomb, who studied the force between charged objects. The proton carries + 1.602 × 10 −19 C. + 1.602 × 10 −19 C. and the electron carries −i.602 × 10 −19 C, −one.602 × 10 −nineteen C, . The number northward of protons required to make +1.00 C is

north = one.00 C × i proton 1.602 × 10 19 C = half-dozen.25 × ten 18 protons. north = 1.00 C × i proton i.602 × x nineteen C = 6.25 × x 18 protons.


The same number of electrons is required to make −1.00 C of electric accuse. The fundamental unit of measurement of charge is ofttimes represented equally e. Thus, the charge on a proton is east, and the charge on an electron is −e. Mathematically, e = + 1.602 × 10 −19 C . e = + i.602 × 10 −19 C .

Snap Lab

Like and Different Charges

This action investigates the repulsion and attraction acquired by static electrical charge.

  • Adhesive tape
  • Nonconducting surface, such equally a plastic table or chair


Procedure for Part (a)

  1. Prepare two pieces of tape near 4 cm long. To make a handle, double over near 0.5 cm at i cease so that the pasty side sticks together.
  2. Attach the pieces of tape adjacent onto a nonmetallic surface, such as a tabletop or the seat of a chair, as shown in Figure eighteen.five(a).
  3. Pare off both pieces of tape and hang them downward, holding them by the handles, as shown in Effigy eighteen.5(b). If the record bends up and sticks to your hand, try using a shorter slice of record, or just milkshake the tape so that it no longer sticks to your paw.
  4. At present slowly bring the 2 pieces of tape together, as shown in Figure 18.v(c). What happens?
This image has three parts. Part a shows two pieces of sticky tape attached to the edge of an arc-shaped object, with someone's fingers near the end of one tape. Part b shows someone's fingers lifting one tape piece away from the arc-shaped object, while the other tape piece remains attached to the object. Part c shows a left hand and a right hand, each holding a piece of tape from one end. Two short red arrows, each starting from the free end of a piece of tape, point toward each other.

Figure 18.v

Procedure for Part (b)

  1. Stick i piece of tape on the nonmetallic surface, and stick the 2d piece of tape on acme of the first slice, as shown in Figure 18.6(a).
  2. Slowly peel off the two pieces by pulling on the handle of the bottom piece.
  3. Gently stroke your finger along the top of the second slice of tape (i.east., the nonsticky side), as shown in Effigy 18.half dozen(b).
  4. Skin the 2 pieces of record autonomously by pulling on their handles, as shown in Figure 18.6(c).
  5. Slowly bring the two pieces of tape together. What happens?
This image has three parts. Part a shows two pieces of sticky tape, with one stuck over the other, and with the lower tape attached to the edge of an arc-shaped object. The two tapes are slightly separated from each other at one end. In part b, someone's hand holds the two pieces of tape from the end where they are separated, while a finger touches the other end. Part c shows two hands pulling the two pieces of tape apart.

Figure 18.6

Grasp Check

In step 4, why did the two pieces of tape repel each other? In step nine, why did they attract each other?

  1. Like charges attract, while dissimilar charges repel each other.
  2. Like charges repel, while unlike charges concenter each other.
  3. Tapes having positive charge repel, while tapes having negative charge attract each other.
  4. Tapes having negative charge repel, while tapes having positive accuse attract each other.

Conservation of Accuse

Teacher Support

Teacher Support

[BL] [OL]Discuss what is meant by conservation in the physics sense. Point out how conservation laws serve equally accounting rules that allow us to keep track of certain quantities. This is like to knowing how many students are on a field trip and using that information to ensure that no students go missing. Considering students cannot vanish into sparse air, counting the students allows the teacher to know whether any students are not present. If they are non nowadays, then they must be elsewhere, and a search can begin.

[AL]Inquire what other laws of conservation they take encountered in physics, and hash out how these laws are used.

Considering the fundamental positive and negative units of charge are carried on protons and electrons, we would expect that the total charge cannot alter in any system that we ascertain. In other words, although we might be able to movement charge around, nosotros cannot create or destroy it. This should be true provided that we do not create or destroy protons or electrons in our organization. In the twentieth century, yet, scientists learned how to create and destroy electrons and protons, simply they establish that charge is still conserved. Many experiments and solid theoretical arguments have elevated this idea to the status of a law. The law of conservation of charge says that electrical charge cannot be created or destroyed.

The law of conservation of charge is very useful. Information technology tells us that the net charge in a system is the aforementioned before and after any interaction inside the system. Of grade, we must ensure that no external accuse enters the system during the interaction and that no internal accuse leaves the organization. Mathematically, conservation of accuse can be expressed equally

q i northward i t i a l = q f i northward a l . q i n i t i a l = q f i northward a 50 .


where q initial q initial is the net charge of the system before the interaction, and q last, q final, is the cyberspace charge after the interaction.

Worked Example

What is the missing charge?

Figure 18.7 shows two spheres that initially have +iv C and +8 C of charge. Subsequently an interaction (which could simply be that they touch each other), the blue sphere has +ten C of charge, and the red sphere has an unknown quantity of charge. Use the police of conservation of charge to find the terminal charge on the ruby-red sphere.


The net initial charge of the system is q initial = + 4 C + 8 C = + 12 C q initial = + 4 C + 8 C = + 12 C . The net terminal charge of the system is q last = + 10 C + q reddish q last = + ten C + q ruby-red , where q cherry-red q red is the final charge on the scarlet sphere. Conservation of charge tells united states of america that q initial = q last q initial = q last , so we can solve for q cherry q red .


Similar all conservation laws, conservation of accuse is an bookkeeping scheme that helps us keep rail of electric accuse.

Do Problems

i .

Which equation describes conservation of charge?

  1. q initial = q terminal = constant
  2. q initial = q concluding = 0
  3. q initialq final = 0
  4. q initial/q concluding = constant

2 .

An isolated arrangement contains two objects with charges q_{1} and q_{2}. If object i loses half of its accuse, what is the final charge on object 2?

Conductors and Insulators

Teacher Support

Teacher Support

[BL]Accept students define the significant of conductor and insulator. Explain how these terms are used in physics to mean materials that let a quantity to laissez passer through and those that do not.

[OL]Ask students whether they have encountered conductors and insulators in their everyday lives. What are the backdrop of these materials? Be prepared to talk over and differentiate thermal conductors and insulators.

[AL]Ask whether students recall other conductors and insulators in physics. Discuss how thermal insulators and conductors function with regard to thermal energy.

Materials tin can exist classified depending on whether they allow charge to move. If charge can easily motion through a textile, such equally metals, then these materials are called conductors. This means that charge can be conducted (i.east., move) through the material rather hands. If charge cannot move through a material, such equally rubber, then this textile is called an insulator.

Most materials are insulators. Their atoms and molecules hold on more tightly to their electrons, so it is difficult for electrons to move between atoms. However, it is non impossible. With enough energy, information technology is possible to force electrons to move through an insulator. All the same, the insulator is often physically destroyed in the process. In metals, the outer electrons are loosely bound to their atoms, so not much energy is required to make electrons move through metallic. Such metals as copper, silver, and aluminum are good conductors. Insulating materials include plastics, glass, ceramics, and woods.

The conductivity of some materials is intermediate betwixt conductors and insulators. These are called semiconductors. They tin can be made conductive under the right conditions, which can involve temperature, the purity of the textile, and the force applied to button electrons through them. Because we can command whether semiconductors are conductors or insulators, these materials are used extensively in calculator chips. The most commonly used semiconductor is silicon. Figure 18.8 shows diverse materials bundled according to their ability to conduct electrons.

Thirteen materials are arranged in a horizontal series, according to their ability to conduct electric charge. The materials, ranging from the least conductive on the left to the most conductive on the right, are:

Effigy xviii.8 Materials tin exist arranged according to their ability to comport electrical accuse. The slashes on the pointer mean that at that place is a very large gap in conducting power betwixt conductors, semiconductors, and insulators, but the drawing is compressed to fit on the folio. The numbers beneath the materials give their resistivity in 멥yard (which you volition learn nearly below). The resistivity is a measure of how difficult it is to make accuse move through a given material.

Teacher Support

Instructor Support

Point out that the calibration is not linear, which ways that the conductivity of the insulators is much, much less than that of conductors. Besides betoken out that semiconductors are often made to deed as insulators or equally conductors, but not as materials with a conductivity that is between that of insulators and conductors.

What happens if an excess negative accuse is placed on a conducting object? Because similar charges repel each other, they will button against each other until they are as far apart every bit they can get. Because the charge can motility in a usher, it moves to the outer surfaces of the object. Effigy 18.9(a) shows schematically how an backlog negative charge spreads itself evenly over the outer surface of a metal sphere.

What happens if the same is done with an insulating object? The electrons all the same repel each other, but they are not able to move, considering the fabric is an insulator. Thus, the backlog charge stays put and does non distribute itself over the object. Figure 18.nine(b) shows this situation.

This figure has two parts, each consisting of a sphere. In Part a, there are minus signs distributed relatively evenly around the sphere. In Part b, there are minus signs concentrated in the upper right quadrant of the face of the sphere.

Figure 18.nine (a) A conducting sphere with excess negative accuse (i.due east., electrons). The electrons repel each other and spread out to cover the outer surface of the sphere. (b) An insulating sphere with excess negative accuse. The electrons cannot move, and so they remain in their original positions.

Teacher Back up

Teacher Support

Point out that static buildup does non remain forever on an object. Enquire students how a static accuse may escape from an object. Point out that this static buildup is dissipated faster on humid days than on dry days.

Transfer and Separation of Charge

Teacher Support

Teacher Support

[BL] [OL]Enquire how the concept of static electricity can exist compatible with transfer of charge. Isn't transfer of charge the motility of charge, which contradicts being static?

[AL]Ask students to define separation of charge. Prepare to explain why this does not mean splitting electrons apart.

Most objects we deal with are electrically neutral, which ways that they have the aforementioned corporeality of positive and negative charge. However, transferring negative charge from one object to another is fairly easy to do. When negative charge is transferred from one object to another, an excess of positive charge is left behind. How practise we know that the negative charge is the mobile charge? The positive charge is carried by the proton, which is stuck firmly in the nucleus of atoms, and the atoms are stuck in place in solid materials. Electrons, which carry the negative charge, are much easier to remove from their atoms or molecules and can therefore be transferred more than easily.

Electric charge can be transferred in several manners. One of the simplest ways to transfer accuse is charging by contact, in which the surfaces of two objects made of different materials are placed in close contact. If ane of the materials holds electrons more tightly than the other, then it takes some electrons with information technology when the materials are separated. Rubbing 2 surfaces together increases the transfer of electrons, because it creates a closer contact between the materials. It also serves to present fresh material with a full supply of electrons to the other fabric. Thus, when yous walk across a carpet on a dry mean solar day, your shoes rub against the carpeting, and some electrons are removed from the rug by your shoes. The issue is that you take an excess of negative charge on your shoes. When you so touch a doorknob, some of your excess of electrons transfer to the neutral doorknob, creating a pocket-sized spark.

Touching the doorknob with your mitt demonstrates a 2nd fashion to transfer electric charge, which is charging by conduction. This transfer happens because similar charges repel, and then the excess electrons that you picked up from the carpet want to be every bit far abroad from each other every bit possible. Some of them move to the doorknob, where they will distribute themselves over the outer surface of the metal. Another example of charging past conduction is shown in the meridian row of Figure 18.x. A metallic sphere with 100 excess electrons touches a metal sphere with l backlog electrons, and so 25 electrons from the starting time sphere transfer to the 2nd sphere. Each sphere finishes with 75 excess electrons.

The same reasoning applies to the transfer of positive charge. However, considering positive charge substantially cannot move in solids, information technology is transferred by moving negative charge in the contrary management. For example, consider the bottom row of Figure 18.ten. The first metal sphere has 100 backlog protons and touches a metal sphere with 50 excess protons, so the second sphere transfers 25 electrons to the outset sphere. These 25 actress electrons will electrically cancel 25 protons then that the first metal sphere is left with 75 excess protons. This is shown in the bottom row of Figure eighteen.x. The second metal sphere lost 25 electrons and so it has 25 more excess protons, for a full of 75 excess protons. The end result is the same if we consider that the beginning brawl transferred a net positive charge equal to that of 25 protons to the first brawl.

This figure consists of two rows, and each row is divided into three columns labeled as

Effigy 18.10 In the top row, a metal sphere with 100 backlog electrons transfers 25 electrons to a metal sphere with an excess of 50 electrons. After the transfer, both spheres take 75 backlog electrons. In the bottom row, a metal sphere with 100 excess protons receives 25 electrons from a brawl with 50 excess protons. After the transfer, both spheres accept 75 excess protons.

Instructor Support

Teacher Support

Point out how the total charge at each instant is the same. Hash out how moving electrons to the right is equivalent to moving the aforementioned magnitude of positive charge to the left, simply be sure to analyze that, in most situations, merely negative charges actually move in solids.

[BL] [OL]Hash out the meaning of polarization in everyday language. For example, discuss what is meant by a polarizing argue or a polarized Congress. Compare and dissimilarity the everyday pregnant with the physics meaning.

[AL]Ask what other examples of polarization they tin can think of from everyday life.

In this discussion, you may wonder how the excess electrons originally got from your shoes to your hand to create the spark when you touched the doorknob. The answer is that no electrons really traveled from your shoes to your hands. Instead, because like charges repel each other, the excess electrons on your shoe simply pushed away some of the electrons in your feet. The electrons thus dislodged from your feet moved up into your leg and in turn pushed abroad some electrons in your leg. This procedure connected through your whole trunk until a distribution of backlog electrons covered the extremities of your body. Thus your head, your hands, the tip of your olfactory organ, then forth all received their doses of excess electrons that had been pushed out of their normal positions. All this was the outcome of electrons being pushed out of your feet by the excess electrons on your shoes.

This blazon of charge separation is chosen polarization. Every bit soon as the backlog electrons leave your shoes (by rubbing off onto the floor or being carried away in boiling air), the distribution of electrons in your body returns to normal. Every part of your body is over again electrically neutral (i.e., zero excess charge).

The phenomenon of polarization is seen in Effigy 18.1. The child has accumulated backlog positive charge by sliding on the slide. This excess charge repels itself and and then becomes distributed over the extremities of the child's body, notably in his hair. As a result, the hair stands on finish, because the excess negative charge on each strand repels the excess positive accuse on neighboring strands.

Polarization can exist used to charge objects. Consider the two metallic spheres shown in Effigy xviii.xi. The spheres are electrically neutral, then they carry the same amounts of positive and negative accuse. In the height picture (Figure 18.11(a)), the two spheres are touching, and the positive and negative charge is evenly distributed over the two spheres. We then approach a glass rod that carries an excess positive charge, which tin be done past rubbing the glass rod with silk, equally shown in Effigy 18.xi(b). Because contrary charges attract each other, the negative charge is attracted to the glass rod, leaving an excess positive accuse on the opposite side of the right sphere. This is an case of charging past induction, whereby a charge is created by budgeted a charged object with a second object to create an unbalanced charge in the second object. If we and then split up the two spheres, as shown in Figure 18.11(c), the excess charge is stuck on each sphere. The left sphere at present has an excess negative charge, and the right sphere has an excess positive charge. Finally, in the bottom picture, the rod is removed, and the opposite charges attract each other, so they move as shut together as they can get.

This figure has four parts, each consisting of a pair of spheres adjacent to each other. Each sphere is on a short pedestal, and all spheres and pedestals are equal in size. In Parts (a) and (b), the pair of spheres are touching each other, but in Parts (c) and (d), the pair of spheres are slightly separated from each other. In Part (a), there is no charge on either sphere. In Part (b), a rod marked with plus signs is shown close to the left sphere, which in turn has minus signs along its left edge. The right sphere has plus signs along its right edge. Part (c) is similar to Part (b), except for separation between the pair of spheres. In Part (d), minus signs are aligned along the right edge of the left sphere, and plus signs are aligned along the left edge of the right sphere. There is no rod in Part (d).

Figure 18.eleven (a) Two neutral conducting spheres are touching each other, and so the charge is evenly spread over both spheres. (b) A positively charged rod approaches, which attracts negative charges, leaving excess positive accuse on the correct sphere. (c) The spheres are separated. Each sphere now carries an equal magnitude of excess charge. (d) When the positively charged rod is removed, the excess negative accuse on the left sphere is attracted to the excess positive charge on the right sphere.

Teacher Support

Teacher Support

Discuss the analogous situation with insulating spheres. Signal out how the spheres remain neutral despite beingness polarized in panels (b) and (c).

Fun In Physics

Create a Spark in a Scientific discipline Off-white

Van de Graaff generators are devices that are used not only for serious physics enquiry but also for demonstrating the physics of static electricity at science fairs and in classrooms. Because they evangelize relatively little electric electric current, they can exist fabricated condom for use in such environments. The first such generator was built by Robert Van de Graaff in 1931 for use in nuclear physics research. Effigy 18.12 shows a simplified sketch of a Van de Graaff generator.

Van de Graaff generators use shine and pointed surfaces and conductors and insulators to generate large static charges. In the version shown in Figure eighteen.12, electrons are "sprayed" from the tips of the lower rummage onto a moving belt, which is made of an insulating material similar, such as condom. This technique of charging the belt is akin to charging your shoes with electrons past walking beyond a carpet. The belt raises the charges upwardly to the upper comb, where they transfer once more, alike to your touching the doorknob and transferring your charge to information technology. Because like charges repel, the backlog electrons all blitz to the outer surface of the world, which is fabricated of metal (a conductor). Thus, the comb itself never accumulates likewise much charge, considering whatsoever accuse it gains is quickly depleted past the charge moving to the outer surface of the world.

This is a diagram in which two small circles are arranged vertically and are labeled

Figure 18.12 Van de Graaff generators transfer electrons onto a metal sphere, where the electrons distribute themselves uniformly over the outer surface.

Van de Graaff generators are used to demonstrate many interesting effects caused by static electricity. By touching the earth, a person gains backlog charge, so his or her hair stands on end, as shown in Figure 18.13. You tin can likewise create mini lightning bolts by moving a neutral conductor toward the globe. Another favorite is to pile upwardly aluminum muffin tins on top of the uncharged world, so turn on the generator. Existence made of conducting material, the tins accumulate backlog charge. They then repel each other and fly off the globe one by one. A quick Internet search will bear witness many examples of what you lot tin can practice with a Van de Graaff generator.

This is a photograph of a man touching the large sphere of a Van de Graaff generator, causing his hair to stand on end. The picture also shows two observers, one of whom has extended his right arm toward the man touching the generator.

Figure 18.13 The man touching the Van de Graaff generator has excess charge, which spreads over his hair and repels hair strands from his neighbors. (credit: Jon "ShakataGaNai" Davis)

Grasp Cheque

Why don't the electrons stay on the safety belt when they reach the upper rummage?

  1. The upper comb has no backlog electrons, and the excess electrons in the condom belt go transferred to the comb by contact.
  2. The upper comb has no excess electrons, and the excess electrons in the rubber belt get transferred to the rummage past conduction.
  3. The upper comb has backlog electrons, and the backlog electrons in the rubber belt get transferred to the comb past conduction.
  4. The upper comb has backlog electrons, and the excess electrons in the rubber chugalug get transferred to the comb by contact.

Virtual Physics

Balloons and Static Electricity

This simulation allows you to observe negative charge accumulating on a balloon as you rub information technology against a sweater. You lot can and then find how two charged balloons interact and how they crusade polarization in a wall.

Grasp Check

Click the reset push, and start with two balloons. Charge a get-go balloon by rubbing it on the sweater, and and then move it toward the 2nd airship. Why does the second balloon not motility?

  1. The second balloon has an equal number of positive and negative charges.
  2. The 2nd balloon has more positive charges than negative charges.
  3. The second airship has more negative charges than positive charges.
  4. The 2nd airship is positively charged and has polarization.

Snap Lab

Polarizing Tap H2o

This lab volition demonstrate how water molecules tin easily be polarized.

  • Plastic object of small dimensions, such as comb or plastic stirrer
  • Source of tap water



  1. Thoroughly rub the plastic object with a dry cloth.
  2. Open the faucet but enough to let a smooth filament of h2o run from the tap.
  3. Move an edge of the charged plastic object toward the filament of running h2o.

What practise you observe? What happens when the plastic object touches the water filament? Can yous explain your observations?

Why does the water curve around the charged object?

  1. The charged object induces uniform positive accuse on the water molecules.

  2. The charged object induces uniform negative charge on the h2o molecules.

  3. The charged object attracts the polarized water molecules and ions that are dissolved in the water.

  4. The charged object depolarizes the h2o molecules and the ions dissolved in the water.

Worked Example

Charging Ink Droplets

Electrically neutral ink droplets in an ink-jet printer laissez passer through an electron beam created past an electron gun, as shown in Figure 18.14. Some electrons are captured by the ink droplet, so that information technology becomes charged. Later passing through the electron beam, the net charge of the ink droplet is q ink drop = −one × x −x C q ink drop = −one × 10 −10 C . How many electrons are captured past the ink droplet?

Six small purple spheres, each marked as

Figure 18.14 Electrons from an electron gun charge a passing ink droplet.


A unmarried electron carries a charge of q e = −1.602 × 10 −nineteen C q e = −ane.602 × ten −19 C . Dividing the cyberspace charge of the ink droplet by the accuse q e q e of a single electron will give the number of electrons captured by the ink droplet.


This is almost a billion electrons! It seems similar a lot, just it is quite pocket-sized compared to the number of atoms in an ink droplet, which number about 10 16 . ten xvi . Thus, each extra electron is shared between virtually 10 xvi / ( half dozen × 10 8 ) 10 seven 10 16 / ( half dozen × x 8 ) ten seven atoms.

Practice Problems

iii .

How many protons are needed to make one nC of charge? 1 nC = 10−nine C

  1. 1.vi × ten−28
  2. i.6 × 10−10
  3. 3 × 109
  4. 6 × 109

4 .

In a physics lab, you charge up iii metal spheres, two with + 3\,\text{nC} and one with - 5\,\text{nC}. When you bring all three spheres together so that they all affect ane some other, what is the total charge on the three spheres?

  1. + one\,\text{nC}

Check Your Agreement

five .

How many types of electrical charge exist?

  1. ane blazon
  2. two types
  3. three types
  4. four types

half dozen .

Which are the two main electrical classifications of materials based on how easily charges can motility through them?

  1. usher and insulator
  2. semiconductor and insulator
  3. conductor and superconductor
  4. conductor and semiconductor

7 .

True or false—A polarized material must take a nonzero net electric charge.

  1. true
  2. false

viii .

Describe the force between two positive point charges that interact.

  1. The force is bonny and acts along the line joining the two signal charges.
  2. The force is attractive and acts tangential to the line joining the two point charges.
  3. The force is repulsive and acts along the line joining the two point charges.
  4. The force is repulsive and acts tangential to the line joining the ii point charges.

9 .

How does a conductor differ from an insulator?

  1. Electric charges move easily in an insulator merely non in a conducting textile.
  2. Electric charges move hands in a conductor but not in an insulator.
  3. A conductor has a large number of electrons.
  4. More charges are in an insulator than in a usher.

10 .

True or false—Charging an object by polarization requires touching it with an object carrying backlog accuse.

  1. true
  2. simulated


Source: https://openstax.org/books/physics/pages/18-1-electrical-charges-conservation-of-charge-and-transfer-of-charge

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